Afghanistan – A History of Turbulence

history of turbulence

Afghanistan (officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan) may not be high on everyone’s ‘must visit‘list because of its recent troubledpast. It is, however, a truly historic land which encompasses some breathtaking mountain scenery, beautiful lakes and a wealth of bird and animal life. The majority of its people still live simple lives close to nature […]

  • May 4, 2017

Afghanistan: A Lost Jewel or Never Meant to Be?

the lost jewel

Whenever we think of Afghanistan the thoughts that come to mind are of the Taliban and that girl with the beautiful eyes who graced the cover of National Geographic one time. We think of a country tortured by decades of war and of women hidden away whose right to freedom had been robbed. Although it […]

  • May 1, 2017

The Women of Afghanistan

afghan women

The Taliban regime, which started in the 1990s and still affects the lives of the Afghan people, was known internationally for the adoption if the strictest form of the Sharia law – mostly when it comes to women. Because among the horrors of war, women saw most of their rights be cut down practically in […]

  • April 24, 2017

History of Afghanistan in a Specific Point of View

History of Afghanistan in a Specific Point of View

Afghanistan was founded in 1747 by Ahmad Shah Durrani, who brought the different Afghan tribes together into a unified nation. Archeologists have placed many historical empires as having lived in this area, such as: the Medes, Persians, and Alexander the Great’s campaign. For many years Afghanistan was caught in a constant cycle of occupation and […]

  • April 18, 2017

Afghanistan in 2016

2016 in afghanistan

There is no doubt that Afghanistan remains a very poor country with significant internal problems. It is unlikely to receive many casual visitors in the foreseeable future, indeed travel within the country is still heavily restricted. Kabul has hotels which cater to the foreign traveler, as well as some attractions. Kabul province is the only […]

  • April 7, 2017

Is There A Future For Afghanistan?

future for afghanistan

Disclaimer: the following post is based solely on my opinions. Which in turn are based on Internet research. As with everything in life, it should be taken with a pinch of salt. After a development spurt in the 1970s sponsored by the extinct URSS Afghanistan seems to have entered a state of permanent war. The […]

  • April 4, 2017

The Wars in Afghanistan

the war in afghanistan

For the people who, like me, were born in the 1980s, it seems like Afghanistan has been fighting an endless war. Whilst it’s true that the country has been under a nearly constant state of conflict since the ending of the 1970s the main wars happened for a myriad of reasons. I’ll list them below […]

  • March 27, 2017